Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Softball Game for the Ages

On Tuesday afternoon in California two high school teams got together for what became the highest scoring game in softball history. What is even more astonishing is that the two teams, Cuyama Valley and Coast Union, entered the game with only one win apiece. Cuyama Valley eventually prevailed in the four hour game after a 13 run 7th inning which capped off the 48-47 game.

The teams combined for an astounding 95 runs in the game, and despite giving up 47 runs, Cuyama starting pitcher Melinda Ramirez got the win.  Ashley Armstrong of Cuyama valley had quite an amazing day herself, as she came to the plate 9 times and walked every single time, giving her a final stat line of 0-0, 9BB.  As Cuyama Valley coach Mary Jo Harrington told the San Luis Obispo Tribune, "The girls were just so excited.  They weren't going to give up that game.  They weren't playing for much but they wanted to go down winning."  Cuyama Valley also was able to capture the victory without using a single substitute in the game, as the softball team only has 9 players on the roster.

Even the Coast Union coaches and players were excited about the historical game, despite the heart breaking loss.  "We battled back and we never gave up," said coach Rocky Fordyce. "We had fun.  The girls were very positive about it."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flop Alert: Joe Thornton Produces a Gem...

Near the end of the first period in Game 5 of the Sharks and Red Wings series, Joe Thornton rivaled the world's best floppers.  After getting tangled up with Red Wing Johan Franzen, Thornton decided to make his move.  Albeit Franzen hit his stuck across the Thornton's ankles, Joe the Flopper as he will be called, took a dive right out of the old soccer playbook.  After flailing onto the ice, Thornton remained there pretending to be in agony as the refs tried to sort out what  happened.  When it was all said and done, Franzen was sent to the penalty box for his "actions."  Here is the flop:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sir Charles Needs to Throw in the Towel

Charles Barkley has without a doubt the worst golf swing in the history of the game.  Fortunately for us it was on display last week at the Regions Tradition Pro-Am at Shoal Creek. Chuck arguably made the worst swing of his career that day, and in the mayhem that followed, his driver head flew even further than his golf ball. Here is a clip:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Panthers Take Cam Newton #1 Overall

With the first pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, the Carolina Panthers select...Cam Newton, quarterback from Auburn University.  That's how it went Thursday night in Radio City Music Hall in New York City, as the NFL kicked off their 2011 draft.  In Newton's interview following his selection he mentioned "it's a great feeling to be a Carolina Panther," and that "It's time to get to work now."  Newton's first overall selection makes him the 3rd straight quarterback to be selected number one overall, and the 15th taken first in the last 25 years.

Newton really may not have been the surprise of the night though, as others like Jake Locker (QB-Washington) and Aldon Smith (DE-Missouri) were drafted much earlier than projected.  Also, projected early pick Da'Quan Bowers, from Clemson fell completely out of the first round and will have to wait until tomorrow to hear his name called.  Here is a recap of the first round:

Play of the Week...

This weeks play goes to Lionel Messi of Barcelona as he shredded the Real Madrid defense last night.  Five defenders and a goalie?...No problem for Messi:

Air France Flys French National Hockey Team to the Wrong Country

Oops...Air France, who chartered the French national hockey team's recent flight to the World Championships, decided to fly the team to the wrong country.  Instead of landing in Slovakia, the team got a nice little vacation to beautiful Poland, before figuring out they were in the wrong place.

Luckily for the team, they landed in Krakow which is only a mere 185 miles from Kosice, where the championship is taking place.  Instead of flying them the rest of the way, or because the hockey team was fed up with the national airline, the team boarded a bus for the 3 hour drive.  At least Air France managed to do one thing right...all the teams bags made it safely to Poland with them...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The Madden 2011 voting is officially over...and the new player on the cover is...

A 99-year old woman got the birthday present of a lifetime yesterday...

To continue tradition, if you have $63,000 lying around, log-on to ebay for this item...

Oh boy...even Tommy Tuberville is a "birther."  Guess we should have guessed...he does coach in Lubbock, Texas.

And our haircut of the week goes to Tony Allen of the Memphis Grizzlies...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our Fan of the Week...

Johannes Schneider, the founder of the Winthrop student's fan club, is such a great fan of the university that he asked Big Stuff (the Eagle's mascot) to walk him down the aisle of his wedding.  Only Schneider, his bride, and the parents of the two knew about the special guest for the wedding.  Even Big Stuff, who has only revealed his last name (Waters) was surprised by the request, but eventually agreed to the super-fan's idea.

Schneider is such a big fan of the university that he attended every game last season with his torso fully painted, while only wearing the team's flag for pants.  The Snider Sports Network salutes Schneider for his dedication to Winthrop University, as our Fan of the Week!

Play of the Week...and Blooper of the Week

This weeks Play of the Week takes us to a Division II baseball game in Tennessee, where the pick-off move was taken to a whole new level.  The pitcher pretended to throw the ball to 2nd base to pick of the runner, when he in fact kept the ball in his glove.  With great acting from the shortstop, 2nd baseman, and the pitcher, then runner took off to 3rd, where he was easily thrown out.  Here's the video:

This weeks Blooper of the Week comes to us courtesy of Baylor Forward Quincy Acy, as he attempts to write a paper for one of his classes.  When realizing that he can't spell, and when spell check doesn't have answers, Acy decided to take his issues to Twitter and ask the entire world for help.  Here is his Tweet:

We'll give Acy some credit though, at least he is still in school and going to class...that's a lot more than some college athletes can say.