Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sluggerrr Sued For Doing His Job as a Mascot

Sluggerrr isn't that terrifying of a guy, but apparently to John Coomer he is.  Coomer testified this week that  he suffered a severe eye injury, when his eye was the recipient of a thrown hot dog in 2009.  The Kansas City Star was great when covering this story.  Here is their story:

"In his lawsuit, Coomer said that Sluggerr attempted to heave the frank into the stands with a behind-the-back throw.  Instead of placing the hot dog in a high arch, Sluggerrr lost control and threw it right into Coomer's eye, the suit alleged."

"At the stadium, he fired some hot dogs through an air cannon. Those dogs wore bubble-wrap blankets.  But the ones Sluggerrr threw by hand were wrapped in foil.  Shores described multiple types of tosses, including underhand, overhand, and behind-the-back."

"During cross examination, Hofer showed Shores a video of a toss he made during a 2009 game and invited him to discuss the hot dog's 'arc' and 'velocity' as it sailed away."

What bothers me is the fact that this man was at a baseball game.  Your job as a fan at any sport, but especially baseball, is to constantly be on the lookout for flying debris from the field, court, etc.  If a bat, or ball has a chance to hit you in the face at a high velocity, you should at least be able to avoid a hot dog.

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