Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blooper of the Week...

It isn't the end of the week, so this blooper may be a bit premature, but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to call this play the blooper of the week...

Celtics player Von Wafer perhaps made one of the classic NBA bloopers on Monday night.  With about 3:00 minutes to play in OT against the Wizards, Wafer went up for what he thought was a monster jam.  He followed up the "dunk" by taunting the crowd and then turning and running into teammate Jermaine O'Neal.  The only problem...was the fact that Wafer missed the dunk...He also didn't help his cause when he ran into Jermaine O'Neal, because O'Neal had the offensive rebound, and was looking to put it back up for a shot.  Unfortunately for Wafer, the ultimate blooper didn't end with the dunk, as the refs called double-dribble on O'Neal due to the hitch in his dribble after being run into.

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